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Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Milestone : Going to school


On the first day of school......
The girls were quite cooperative in the morning. They woke up at 7:20am, drank their milk and wash up. When I put on their uniform for them and let them carried their bag, they were so excited! 
Because they thought that I'm bringing them out so they went, "gai gai~ gai gai~" 

They have no idea that they were going to school... ( sorry baby girls~ ): )

We left at 8am and headed to the childcare center, Little World Child Care and Development Centre, which is only 2 blocks away from us. 

Happily, they were hopping around, thinking that we were heading to the playground as it was right outside their school. 

When we reached, the friendly teachers greeted us and took their temperature. Hubby and I accompanied them for a few hours and we left secretly..

As soon as they realized that we weren't around them, their cries blasted the room. :( They were shouting so loudly for us and Hub nearly wanted to go in and bring them home. Our hearts were bleeding, but we don't have a choice. It is a stage that we have to go through.

So we walked away really quickly and try our best not to think about them crying, but when we reached home, the feeling was too overwhelming & tears just rolled down uncontrollably.. I couldn't stop thinking about them!

We decided to put them there for half a day and brought them home around 2pm.

Look at how happy they were when they know that we're going home! :)

When we reached the childcare, Qiqi was sitting quietly at the sofa while Meimei was clinging onto the teacher so tightly that she could hardly stand up! As usual, they cried the moment they saw us. They were shaking the gate, can't wait to be in our arms! 

Today is their 6th day of school..

As usual, they cried real hard when the teachers carried them away from us. But within 10 minutes, they stopped crying already! 
Good job, princesses! :)
We peeped from the window, the teachers gave them pacifier and put them sit on their legs. The principal told us that our girls are doing fine, they can eat, can drink, can sleep, is a very good sign. Now, I can't wait for time to fly fast so that I can hugged them tightly in my arms!

Side note for mummies who is intending to put their child in childcare:
  • Prepare the things that are needed the night before so that you don't have to rush in the morning. 
  • Wake up at least 30min earlier before your precious wakes up
Last but not least.

Started my 1st day of job training yesterday, things went well & colleagues were very kind too! :)

Darling girls, even though mummy is not by your side now, please be good ok? 
You'll always be in mummy's mind and forever my little babies! 

Quote of the day.

" A mother may be educated or uneducated. But she is your best guidelines in the world"

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Twice as much to love, two blessings from above

Recently was way too busy finding childcare for the girls and also setting up my online store!

Do show some support yeah! :)
There are new arrivals added to store, so don't miss it!
Dresses Sales @ $19.90 each is still on-going,
& the best part is,
FREE normal delivery for all items!

I'm pretty excited but also can't bear to let them "leave" my side.. How?!

They are growing way too fast.. From less than kg, till now 10kg.. Throughout this 2 years, I'm with them almost everyday. I cannot imagine how it will be when they start to go childcare. But, this is a stage that every parents have to go through.. I am so gonna miss them and we have to start adapting to hours without one another. 

But I guess its also good for them to go childcare and explore new things too. :) This will also probably be Qiqi and Hanhan's first time away from me, in a totally unfamiliar environment. They will be meeting new people, acquiring new skills and beginning a different routine. 

Sometimes I hope that they go to school quickly so that I can start my full-time job to lessen my husband's burden, but I tend to contradict myself when the time in nearing. :( Its impossible for them to stop growing so now let the photos do the talking, let's see how much they have grown! Enjoy~

940grams & 915grams..

 The day when Hanhan came home with the feeding tube.

1st month of life :)

First time shaved all their hair! A month before their birthday
Ain't they sweet~~~~

Get what I meant?  
They're really growing damn fast, except their hair which is taking such a long time...

No matter how much they have grown, Qiqi & Hanhan will forever be my babies. 
Both of you will always be the apples of my eyes. :)
Love you, darling girls~
[Left: Hanhan, Right: Qiqi]

Quote of the day.

"Daughter is a gift of love. She is just a little girl who grows up to be your best friend"

Friday, June 27, 2014

Happy Birthday to Me!

A day off from motherhood. Haha!
Went to have a hair cut with my dear hubby and off to town for some retail therapy :)
Thanks for making my day, I love you!

The next day, brought the girls to eXplorerkid @ Pasir Ris with my kindergarten teacher and they had so much fun there!

Drinking orange juice happily while I was packing their stuffs and choosing their clothes for them!

Decided to let them wear their ballerina romper which they wore it during their 1st Birthday! Hahahaha! See how much they have grown. :) 
Cute little Qiqi knows how to pose~

Sleepy Hanhan hugs my teacher like a koala bear.

After napping in the cab, see how happy and energetic she is!
The way she smile and laugh.... melts my heart.
Such a cutie pie!
While Hanhan was enjoying her barney show and waiting for the food to be ready, my dear little was having her beauty sleep. Recharging her energy for some fun time later on!

 Changed to this checkered dress for them because I'm afraid that wearing the romper might be too cold for them as the air-condition was really cold here!
They seems to be lost as there were too many choices for them, haha. I guess they're trying to figure out where shall they start first. :)

 And yes, as expected, they headed to the pool of balls first! HAHAHA.
I'm amazed that they actually remember where it was and in fact, they were the ones leading the way to their paradise! 

So tiredddddd~ 

My teacher and I were already starting to pant, while the girls were still full of energy! Oh my gosh~ We climbed high and low with them, squeezed through all the tunnels and playing slides w ith them! Best exercise ever!

A friendly staff helped us took a photo and he also wanted a photo of the girls!

Tired girls after running here and there, climbing up and down!
But I'm sure they had lots fun too!!!

Overall, eXplorerkid @ Pasir Ris is a good place for kids to run, regardless of age, as there were different age group of ball pool sections! 
The price is really affordable and worthy for a 2 hours play during weekdays. 
But it would be good to bring own socks so that you don't have to waste extra money for getting socks there.

Thumbs up for eXplorerkid! :)

Quote of the day.

"A mother never quite leaves her children at home, even when she doesn't take them along"