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Monday, February 24, 2014

Its Chinese New Year!!!

"Happy Chinese New Year, red packet pleaseee"

Its our first year giving red packets too so I purposely bought these cute horses and minions red packets and the kids love it too! Hahaha!

Day 1
Look at her qipao! So sweet and cute! 
Didn't manage to capture Hanhan for her ootd shot, the picture above is my elder girl, Qiqi :)

Went to Gerald's relatives house to 拜年 and then back to my own place! 
Miss my parents and ahma!!!

A photo with my cute ahma! :)

After one whole day of going here and there, they were so tired and needed their nap badly!
They fell asleep and it's my turn to rest too, before any relatives arrive..

Stayed for the night at my parent's place, so it would be more convenient for us to go to my another granny's place the next day.

Day 2
This time is Hanhan's ootd for Day 2~ 
Hahaha! It was actually end of the day after going my granny's place!

Family photo with granny!


Luckily there's only 1 place for us to travel on day 2 hahaha! Brought them back home and it's time for me to rest a little cause there will be other kids entertaining Qiqi and Hanhan! 

Day 5
Went to Adeline's place but sadly didn't get the chance to have a photo with Zarius and Zovelle!

 Finally a ootd together despite their grumpy faces and bad photo quality!

Mummy's and Babies's ootd! 

During these period, there are some milestones that Qiqi and Hanhan has hit!
Age count: 1 year 4 months
  • They started walking on their own!!! Hooray~
  • Qiqi grew 4 teeth while Hanhan grew 6 teeth! 
  • Both of them knows how to look at Gerald and call "papa" :) That was the sweetest moment for my hubby!
Here's a video of their first few steps! 

And, another video of Hanhan walking with me! 

If you can't view this video, you may find it on my Instagram @amandakyl ! :)

Quote of the day.

Baby fills the space of mother's heart that she never knew was empty.